/* TEAM */ The Big Cheese, Chief Cook & Bottle Washer:Barry L. Looney Contact: barryllooney [at] gmail.com From:Omaha, Nebraska Specalties: Conversion of Brick and Mortar retail businesses to eCommerce, Internet Consultant, Designer, Developer, Page Optimization, SEO. UI developer: Digital Daddio From:Everywhere Head Rocket Surgeon: Dr. Kil-I-Dareu From:Location Classified Dude in Charge of Juju Beans: Jack something... From:Large Beanstalk Web designer: The Snappy Dresser From:Fashionville /* THANKS */ (First) My Mom: For putting me on this rock! (Second) My Wife & Kids: For puttin up with me and supporting my wild and crazy ideas! (Third) My Clients: Whom I'd be nothing without! /* SITE */ Last update:2018/01/16 Language: English Doctype:HTML5, CSS3 Standards: HTML5, CSS3,.. Components: Modernizer, jQuery, etc. IDE: Textpad, FileZilla, Photoshop